High total dissolved oxygen is better for marine life as it provides more oxygen for fish and other marine organisms to breathe. Low total dissolved oxygen levels can cause stress or even death in marine life, especially in areas with high levels of biological activity.
According to the article "The Importance of Dissolved Oxygen for Aquatic Life" by the University of California Cooperative Extension, marine organisms are dependent on dissolved oxygen for respiration and high levels are necessary for the survival of most species.
Therefore, maintaining high total dissolved oxygen levels in marine environments is crucial for supporting healthy and thriving marine life.
University of California Cooperative Extension. (n.d.). The Importance of Dissolved Oxygen for Aquatic Life. Retrieved from https://ucanr.edu/sites/suisunmarinescience/files/269911.pdf
Which is support the best for marine life ,high total dissolve oxygen or low total dissolve oxygen? State intext citation and references
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