Which, if any, of the four atrocity crimes that you read about, would you define as genocide? Explain your answer by including examples from the atrocity crimes that you read about and by referencing the definition.

The genocide was fueled by long-standing ethnic tensions and discrimination against the Tutsi minority. The government incited hatred and violence through propaganda and organized militia groups to carry out the atrocities.
The conflict in the DRC is fueled by competition for control over the country's vast mineral resources, leading to the exploitation and abuse of civilians by armed groups and government forces.
The conflict in Darfur was sparked by long-standing ethnic and political tensions, with the Sudanese government using violence as a tool to suppress rebellions in the region.
The civil war in South Sudan was fueled by political rivalry between the country's

1 answer

I would define the atrocity crime in Rwanda as genocide. The systematic killing of the Tutsi minority population by the Hutu majority, fueled by long-standing ethnic tensions and discrimination, meets the definition of genocide as defined by the United Nations Genocide Convention. The government incited hatred and violence through propaganda and organized militia groups to carry out the genocide, targeting Tutsis based on their ethnicity. This deliberate and systematic destruction of a specific ethnic group meets the criteria of genocide.