Which genres (choose from these five: essay, letter, article, short story, poem) would be appropriate for each of the following topics? Explain why you feel the genres you choose are most appropriate, and why the others would most often be inappropriate. (Be critical--while it is possible to force an idea into any genre, try to choose the ones that seem the best fit
1. Telling the story of a boy who loves his dog enough to get hit by a car to save him.
2. Telling the story of a boy who loves his dog enough to walk across five states (and has several adventures) to find him.
3. Describing what one has been doing for the past week.
4. Describing the feeling a woman gets when smelling the flowers her father used to buy for her mother when she was little.
5. Explaining how one would go about fixing a piece of furniture.
6. Telling about the experience of sailing across the ocean.
7. Telling about the experience of climbing the largest mountain in the world.
8. Explaining how to bake one's mother's apple pie.
9. Describing how a death changed one's life forever.
10. Explaining how a traffic accident killed two people.
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