To determine if the fractions and decimals are equivalent to 30%, we first convert 30% into a fraction and a decimal.
30% can be expressed as:
- Decimal: 0.30
- Fraction: 30/100, which simplifies to 3/10.
Now let's evaluate each option:
- Equivalent (0.30 is the decimal representation of 30%)
- Not Equivalent (3.0 is equivalent to 3, which is not equal to 30%)
- Not Equivalent (Assuming this means 30100, which is a whole number, not a fraction or decimal equivalent to 30%)
- Not Equivalent (620 is a whole number, which is not equal to 30%)
- Equivalent (0.3 is equivalent to 30% since it represents the same value as 0.30)
In summary:
- 0.30: Equivalent
- 3.0: Not Equivalent
- 30100: Not Equivalent
- 620: Not Equivalent
- 0.3: Equivalent