Multiply the numerators together; then multiply the denominators together.
5/6 * 1/3 = 5/18
Which fraction is equivalent to 5/6 * 1/3 ?
1 and 1/6
2 and 1/2
7 answers
Ms. Sue I did but got it wrong was told the answer was 2 and 1/2.. don't understand?
Your first question in your other post said that your problem was 5/6 divided by 1/3.
Two tutors showed you how to find the answer to that problem.
Two tutors showed you how to find the answer to that problem.
Yes... But SOL math test told me 5/18 was not the is 2 and 1/2
You need to divide to get 2 1/2.
The problem you posted above is a multiplication problem.
The problem you posted above is a multiplication problem. so much time has passed