Which factor best explains why Native Americans were able to make permanent settlements? (1 point) Responses Native Americans began to cultivate plants for food Native Americans began to cultivate plants for food Native Americans began to create more complex tools and pottery Native Americans began to create more complex tools and pottery Native Americans discovered alternate food sources, such as shellfish Native Americans discovered alternate food sources, such as shellfish Native Americans wanted to to band together in large groups for protection Native Americans wanted to to band together in large groups for protection

29 answers

The factor that best explains why Native Americans were able to make permanent settlements is: Native Americans began to cultivate plants for food.
Why did prehistoric Georgia Indians build the Etowah Mounds? (1 point) Responses To use as temples for religious ceremonies To use as temples for religious ceremonies To use for hunting To use for hunting To use as marketplaces for trading goods To use as marketplaces for trading goods To store harvested crops such as corn
The reason why prehistoric Georgia Indians built the Etowah Mounds was to use them as temples for religious ceremonies.
What was the primary goal of Hernando de Soto as he explored the American southeast (1 point) Responses To find gold To find gold To conquer land To conquer land To convert Native Americans To convert Native Americans To develop trade partnerships
The primary goal of Hernando de Soto as he explored the American southeast was to find gold.
What was the main reason Spain built missions along Georgia’s Barrier Islands? (1 point) Responses For launching attacks For launching attacks To spread Christianity To spread Christianity For defensive purposes For defensive purposes To trade with Native Americans
The main reason Spain built missions along Georgia's Barrier Islands was to spread Christianity.
Which European nation lists Gold, God, and Glory as its reasons for exploration? (1 point) Responses France France Spain Spain Italy Italy Great Britain
The European nation that listed Gold, God, and Glory as its reasons for exploration is Spain.
What was the main reason for British exploration and colonization of North America? (1 point) Responses To find gold To find gold To spread Catholicism To spread Catholicism To increase wealth through mercantilism To increase wealth through mercantilism To build a strong alliance with the Spanish
The main reason for British exploration and colonization of North America was to increase wealth through mercantilism.
Which of the following is one way the Spanish impacted the Native Americans living in the southeastern region of North America? (1 point) Responses Thousands of Native Americans abandoned their traditional beliefs and converted to Catholicism. Thousands of Native Americans abandoned their traditional beliefs and converted to Catholicism. They formed a strong alliance and became trading partners. They formed a strong alliance and became trading partners. The Native Americans were introduced to new foods. The Native Americans were introduced to new foods. Thousands of Native Americans died as a result of diseases spread by contact with Europeans.
One way the Spanish impacted the Native Americans living in the southeastern region of North America is that thousands of Native Americans died as a result of diseases spread by contact with Europeans.
Which of the following was NOT a reason behind the creation of the Georgia colony? (1 point) Responses Charity Charity Defense Defense Religion Religion Economics
The reason behind the creation of the Georgia colony that was NOT listed is Defense.
Which of the following best describes Mary Musgrove’s contribution to the colony of Georgia? (1 point) Responses She provided food and shelter to the colonists during their first month in the colony. She provided food and shelter to the colonists during their first month in the colony. She served as a translator for James Oglethorpe and Tomochichi to ensure peaceful negotiations. She served as a translator for James Oglethorpe and Tomochichi to ensure peaceful negotiations. She was the wife of Tomochichi and convinced him to allow the English to settle on the Savannah River. She was the wife of Tomochichi and convinced him to allow the English to settle on the Savannah River. She helped the British defeat the Spanish at the Battle of Bloody Marsh.
The description that best describes Mary Musgrove's contribution to the colony of Georgia is: She served as a translator for James Oglethorpe and Tomochichi to ensure peaceful negotiations.
who was the chief of the Yamacraw Indians and allowed James Oglethorpe to establish the settlement of Savannah at Yamacraw Bluff.
The chief of the Yamacraw Indians who allowed James Oglethorpe to establish the settlement of Savannah at Yamacraw Bluff was Tomochichi.
This group was made up of fierce fighters who would protect Georgia’s southern border from invasion by the Spanish. (1 point) Responses Highland Scots Highland Scots Malcontents Malcontents Salzburgers Salzburgers Trustees
The group made up of fierce fighters who would protect Georgia's southern border from invasion by the Spanish were the Highland Scots.
What made the malcontents different from other groups in colonial Georgia? (1 point) Responses Their land was not productive Their land was not productive They were denied religious freedom They were denied religious freedom They had trouble with the Yamacraw Indians They had trouble with the Yamacraw Indians Most of them paid their own way with little assistance
What made the malcontents different from other groups in colonial Georgia was that most of them paid their own way with little assistance.
Which of these changes occurred in Georgia AFTER it became a royal colony? Choose the TWO that apply. (2 points) Responses Slavery was permitted in Georgia Slavery was permitted in Georgia Alcohol consumption was legalized Alcohol consumption was legalized The Moravians were expelled from Georgia The Moravians were expelled from Georgia American Indians were granted full citizenship
The two changes that occurred in Georgia after it became a royal colony are:

1. Slavery was permitted in Georgia.
2. The Moravians were expelled from Georgia.
Which group was never allowed in the Georgia colony? (1 point) Responses Jews Jews Catholics Catholics Salzburgers Salzburgers Malcontents
The group that was never allowed in the Georgia colony were the Catholics.
Which of the following goods were produced on a large scale in colonial Georgia? Select the two that apply. (2 points) Responses Rice Rice Grapes Grapes Indigo Indigo Cotton
The two goods produced on a large scale in colonial Georgia were:

1. Rice
2. Indigo