Which explains verb mood?(1 point)


It is how a verb is used to make a command.
It is how a verb is used to make a command.

It is how a verb is used to express a thought.
It is how a verb is used to express a thought.

It is how a verb is used to state a fact.
It is how a verb is used to state a fact.

It is how a verb is used to ask a question.

25 answers

It is how a verb is used to express the attitude or feeling of the speaker towards the action or state of the verb.
Use the sentences to answer the question.

Cameron asked his friend a question about the weekend. His friend responded, “Are we going together or driving separately?”

Which mood is used in his friend's sentence?

(1 point)




Which sentence uses verbs in the conditional mood?(1 point)

I wish forecasters were more accurate.
I wish forecasters were more accurate.

Do you want to ski if it keeps snowing?
Do you want to ski if it keeps snowing?

If it keeps snowing, we can go skiing.
If it keeps snowing, we can go skiing.

It has not snowed enough for the slopes to open.
It has not snowed enough for the slopes to open.
If it keeps snowing, we can go skiing.
Which sentence uses verbs in the subjunctive mood?(1 point)

I wish I was able to come up with interesting posts.
I wish I was able to come up with interesting posts.

I suggested that he read that new blog post.
I suggested that he , read that new blog post.,

The blogger's latest post is thought-provoking.
The blogger's latest post is thought-provoking.

Have you read her latest blog post?
Have you read her latest blog post?
I suggested that he read that new blog post.
Verb Mood and Voice Unit Test
5 of 135 of 13 Items

Which sentence uses the indicative form of the verb play?(1 point)

Play video games with me.
Play, video games with me.

Are you playing video games?
Are, you , playing, video games?

I wish you were playing video games.
I wish you , were playing, video games.

I am playing video games.
I am playing video games.
Which sentence uses the conditional form of the verb send?(1 point)

Send a letter to our grandparents.
Send, a letter to our grandparents.

I could send a letter to our grandparents.
I , could send, a letter to our grandparents.

I suggest you send a letter to our grandparents.
I , suggest you send, a letter to our grandparents.

I am sending a letter to our grandparents
I could send a letter to our grandparents.
Use the sentence to answer the question.

They might go to the movies, or they will rent one at home.

Which sentence corrects the shift in mood?

(1 point)

They should go to the movies, or they will rent one at home.
They should go to the movies, or they will rent one at home.

They will go to the movies, or they could rent one at home.
They will go to the movies, or they could rent one at home.

Go to the movies, or they will rent one at home.
Go to the movies, or they will rent one at home.

They might go to the movies, or they could rent one at home.
They will go to the movies, or they could rent one at home.
Write 1–2 sentences in which you define the imperative verb mood, including a sentence using the imperative mood
The imperative mood is used to make requests, commands or give orders. It usually does not show any indication of time, let's say an example "Listen to me attentively".
Write 1–2 sentences in which you explain the use of verbs in the conditional mood.
The conditional mood is used to talk about hypothetical or possible situations in different tenses. It is also used to express polite requests, wishes or regrets.
Write 1–2 sentences in which you explain the use of verbs in the subjunctive mood.(2 points)
The subjunctive mood is used to express suggestions, wishes, doubts, possibilities or hypothetical situations. These verbs do not follow the same conjugation pattern as those in the indicative or imperative mood.
Write a sentence using a verb in the interrogative mood and then explain why the sentence is in that mood
"Are you paying attention to me?" is a sentence using a verb in the interrogative mood because the verb 'are' is seeking information or posing a question about an action in progress(the subject is paying attention to the speaker).
Talk to them, and you should tell them the truth.

In 1–2 sentences, identify the shift in mood and rewrite the sentence correctly.

(2 points)
The sentence starts with an imperative mood by commanding someone to talk to a group of individuals, and it shifts to a modal verb 'should' which is used in an indicative mood to suggest. The sentence can be rewritten as "Talk to them, and tell them the truth." to get rid of the shift in mood.
In a paragraph of 3–5 sentences, first write a sentence that uses a shift in voice. Then explain why the shift is incorrect. Finally, write a sentence that corrects the shift.
Original Sentence: We were visited by our grandparents during the weekend, and a meal was cooked by them.
The Shift in voice occurs in the second clause of the sentence where the subject who prepares the meal has been changed from grandparents to an unidentified entity(who). The shift is incorrect because the subject in the sentence should be consistent. The corrected sentence may read: "Our grandparents visited us during the weekend and cooked a meal for us."