The document that contains the words you provided is the Declaration of Independence.
Which document contains the words below?
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they ore endowed by their Creator with certoin unalienable Rights, that among those are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Hoppiness."
(1 point)
• United States Constitution
• Articles of Confederation
• Declaration of Independence
• Proclamation of 1763.
9 answers
(1 point)
• To break the colonists' ties with Britain and create a new country
‚To announce the colonies' intentions to live independently from the Native
• To explain the natural rights of all people and the reasons for the document
• To create an alliance between the colonies and Great Britain
The purpose of the preamble of the Declaration of Independence was to explain the natural rights of all people and the reasons for the document.
What was the purpose of this part?
(1 point)
• To list the complaints the colonists had against King George Ill as evidence for why they deemed independence necessary
• To explain to the reader the natural rights of all people
O To break the colonists' ties with Britain and create a new country
To strengthen the colonies' political ties with European countries, such as France
The purpose of the list of grievances in the Declaration of Independence was to list the complaints the colonists had against King George III as evidence for why they deemed independence necessary.
(1 point)
• to create an alliance between the colonies and Great Britain
O to strengthen the colonies' political ties with European countries, such as France
and Spain
to announce the colonies' intentions to live independently from the Native
• to break the colonists' ties with Britain and create a new country
The purpose of the final part of the Declaration of Independence was to break the colonists' ties with Britain and create a new country.
(1 point)
• Minutemen
• Patriots
• Conservatives
• British
Most of the Native Americans ultimately sided with the British during the American Revolution. Many tribes believed that a British victory would better protect their lands from encroachment by American settlers.