1. Building cliff dwellings: The Anasazi built their homes into the cliffs to take advantage of the cooler temperatures and shading provided by the rock faces. This allowed them to stay cooler during the hot desert summers.
2. Constructing underground kivas: Kivas were circular, subterranean rooms used for religious ceremonies and community gatherings. By building these underground, the Anasazi were able to stay cooler in the extreme heat of the desert.
3. Developing a system of irrigation: The Anasazi built intricate networks of canals and dams to divert water from rivers and streams to their fields. This allowed them to grow crops in a region with limited water resources.
4. Cultivating drought-resistant crops: The Anasazi grew crops such as corn, beans, and squash that were well-suited to the hot, arid environment. These crops required less water than other varieties, allowing the Anasazi to thrive in a region with limited rainfall.
Overall, these adaptations allowed the Anasazi to successfully live in and thrive in the hot, dry environment of the American Southwest.
Which demonstrates how the Anasazi adapted to their hot dry environment
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