Which country was the local pronunciation "pidgeon English" derived from? And why from this country

1 answer

The term "Pigeon English" (also known as "Pidgin English") refers to a simplified form of English that emerged as a means of communication between different language groups, particularly in areas of trade and colonization. It is important to note that "Pigeon English" is not derived from a specific country but has developed in various parts of the world.

However, the term "Pigeon English" has often been associated with China and its historical influence on trade and commerce. During the 19th century, as British trade and colonization expanded in China, a simplified form of English emerged as a means of communication between the British traders and the local Chinese population. This simplified form eventually came to be known as "Pigeon English."

The use of "Pigeon English" in other regions, such as West Africa and the Pacific, can be attributed to similar historical contexts of trade and colonization. It should be noted that "Pigeon English" is a pidgin language, which typically arises as a simplified form of communication between groups with different native languages.