Which colonizer gave independence to Equatorial Guinea and who was the prime Minister/president of the colonizer at that time?
7 answers
Spain gave independence to Equatorial Guinea on October 12, 1968. At that time, Francisco Franco was the Prime Minister/President of Spain.
Who was the Nationalist leader and what was the political party called?
The nationalist leader of Equatorial Guinea at the time of independence was Francisco Macías Nguema. He was the leader of the Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea (PDGE).
Who was the first prime/president of Equatorial Guinea and when did it gain Independence?
The first President of Equatorial Guinea was Francisco Macías Nguema. Equatorial Guinea gained independence from Spain on October 12, 1968.
What methods were used to gain independence: arm-resustance, negotiations, external pressure or colonial power wish to leave?
Equatorial Guinea gained independence through negotiations with the colonial power, Spain. There was no significant armed resistance or external pressure involved in the process of gaining independence. Spain granted independence to Equatorial Guinea as part of a decolonization process in Africa during the 1960s.