In row 4 of the periodic table (the fourth period), the following elements are present along with their chemical symbols:
- K (Potassium)
- Ca (Calcium)
- Sc (Scandium)
- Ti (Titanium)
- V (Vanadium)
- Cr (Chromium)
- Mn (Manganese)
- Fe (Iron)
- Co (Cobalt)
- Ni (Nickel)
- Cu (Copper)
- Zn (Zinc)
- Ga (Gallium)
- Ge (Germanium)
- As (Arsenic)
- Se (Selenium)
- Br (Bromine)
- Kr (Krypton)
The symbols that do not match with their element names are:
- K (Kali, Latin for Potassium)
- Fe (Ferrum, Latin for Iron)
- Cu (Cuprum, Latin for Copper)
From the options provided, the correct response indicating chemical symbols that do not match their element names is:
K, Fe, Cu.