In row 4 of the periodic table, the following elements' symbols do not match their element names:
- K for potassium (correct)
- Mn for manganese (correct)
- Kr for krypton (correct)
- Ca for calcium (correct)
- Sc for scandium (correct)
- Ti for titanium (correct)
- V for vanadium (correct)
- Cr for chromium (correct)
- Fe for iron (this is a mismatch; the symbol comes from its Latin name 'ferrum')
- Co for cobalt (correct)
- Ni for nickel (correct)
- Cu for copper (this is a mismatch; the symbol comes from its Latin name 'cuprum')
- Zn for zinc (correct)
- Ga for gallium (correct)
- Ge for germanium (correct)
- As for arsenic (correct)
- Se for selenium (correct)
- Br for bromine (correct)
- Kr for krypton (correct)
Thus, the mismatches in this row are:
- Fe (iron)
- Cu (copper)
Therefore, the answer from your options would be K, Fe, Cu.