Which box-and-whisker plot shows the scores of ten students on a mathematics exam?

89, 78, 93, 90, 75, 81, 91, 80, 89, 79
A. A box-and-whisker plot is shown above a number line that extends from 70 to 100 with 1 unit markings. The box extends from between 78 and 79 to 90 with a division at 81. There is also a point marked at 81. The whisker on the left extends from 75 to between 78 and 79. The whisker on the right extends from 90 to 93.
B. A box-and-whisker plot is shown above a number line that extends from 70 to 100 with 1 unit markings. The box extends from 79 to 90 with a division at 85. There is also a point marked at 85. The whisker on the left extends from 75 to 79. The whisker on the right extends from 90 to 93.
C. A box-and-whisker plot is shown above a number line that extends from 70 to 100 with 1 unit markings. The box extends from 79 to between 90 and 91 with a division at 89. There is also a point marked at 89. The whisker on the left extends from 75 to 79. The whisker on the right extends from between 90 and 91 to 93.
D. A box-and-whisker plot is shown above a number line that extends from 70 to 100 with 1 unit markings. The box extends from between 78 and 79 to between 90 and 91 with a division at 87. There is also a point marked at 87. The whisker on the left extends from 75 to between 78 and 79. The whisker on the right extends from between 90 and 91 to 93.

1 answer

Option C.