Which best describes the conflict and resolution in "The Glass of Milk"?
A- The boy is in conflict with the sailors; he resolves the conflict by leaving his ship.
B- The boy is in conflict with the woman at the milk bar; he resolves the conflict by forgetting about her actions.
C- The boy is in conflict with his feelings; he resolves the conflict by eating at the milk bar, then forgetting about it.
D- The boy is in conflict with the forces of nature; he resolves the conflict by falling asleep with his face toward the sea.
My choice is C.
In "The Piece of String," what motivates Master Maladain to tell the mayor that Master Hauchecorne took the pocketbook?
A- Master Maladain saw Master Hauchecorne pick up the pocketbook.
B- Master Maladain feels ill will toward Master Hauchecorne.
C- Master Maladain hopes to gain the villagers' good faith.
D- Master Maladain wants to force the real thief to reveal himself.
My choice is B.
What is ironic about the plot of Guy de Maupassant’s "The Piece of String"?
A- The mayor, a foolish person, unintentionally makes an extremely wise decision.
B- Master Maladain, a kind man, accidentally harms another character greatly.
C- Master Hauchecorne, a deceitful man, collapses when he cannot convince people he is telling the truth.
D- Master Maladain and Master Hauchecorne, once good friends, never reconcile their differences.
My choice is C.
5 answers
I don't think Hauchecome was deceitful.