right on location of metals, nonmetals.
metalloids form a stairstep down to right starting at boron.
Metal ions form + ions by losing electrons.
Non metal ions form - ions by gaining electrons.
Where r the elements that form ions with a positive charge located?
where r the elements that form ions with a negative charge located?
can someone please briefly explain this whole positive and negative charge thing to me. I kind of get it, but the informations is just not clarified in my head. I think that the elements which form ions with a negative charge are located in the nonmetals column?
Where are the non-metals?
They are on the right upperside of the periodic table.
Where are the metalloids?
They are along the step like line between metals and nonmetals of the periodic table.
I am also having troubles with this Q.
what shap does the layout of the metalloids form in periodic table?
All ur help will be greatly appreciated, thanks
1 answer