Where on Earth?
You work for a company that specializes in environmental cleanup. Your company has been approached by representatives of several Eastern European governments. They want to clean up the Danube River and are asking companies in the United States to help search for sites along the Danube where waste is being dumped.
...While waiting for your results, you place little flags on a map at all the places along the river where industrial plants are located. There are a lot of them, and they are scattered among many countries.
Several days later, you get a fax. you got some resuls. You take a look and can see definite areas of heavy pollution. You look to see where the samples were taken. No locations are given.
31. We had our picnic near the capital of this new nation, which used to e the eastern part of Czechoslovakia.
I know for sure this is Slovakia, Bratislava
32. The person collecting these samples writes that she lives in the capital of this country, whose flag has blue, yellow, and red vertical stripes. She collected these samples from a part of the river about 25 miles south of her hometown. She says that the source of the pollution is industry on her
country's side of the river.
33. This person works in a chemical plant. He said that he could smell the river from his desk. The factory is located near the country's capital. He mentioned that the Danube makes a 90 degree turn from east to south just after it enters his country.
Please help me!
4 answers
33. I still don't know :(
33. Budapest, Hungary