Here are the correct answers for the questions you provided:
The Sphinx is located in Giza.
The pharaoh, Hatshepsut, had herself portrayed as a/an man with a male body and a false beard.
Egyptologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun in The Valley of the Kings.
Most of Egyptian art was created for which of the following 2 reasons? spiritual and propaganda.
Queen Nefertiti was wife to Akhenaten, and her famous portrait is world famous.
Lascaux, found in France, was discovered in 1940 by four French teenagers and contains the famous gallery called “The Great Hall of the Bulls”.
When preparing to carve a statue or decorate a wall, Egyptian artists first drew horizontal and vertical guidelines on the surface so the proportions of the figures would be consistent with the established canon.
Stonehenge is an example of a megalith.
Ramesses II was infamous for his use of propaganda and his large-scale building projects.
The Warka vase is the world’s oldest ritual vase carved in stone found in Sumer.