Where, if any, would you find a working kinship system within the United State

10 answers

Here are three ... among many!

Hopi -- http://www.google.com/search?q=hopi&oq=hopi&aqs=chrome..69i57.3864j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=119&ie=UTF-8

Navajo -- http://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=navajo

Pueblo -- http://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=pueblo+american+indian
The kinship system most commonly found in the United States; is the Eskimo system it is associated with bilateral descent. Usually a mother, father, and their children live together
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I'm not sure that the Eskimo (Inuit) culture is the most common. Besides, don't most people in the U.S. have a bilateral kinship system?

What about the three systems that Writeacher suggested?
Read this whole article, and think carefully about what the quoted paragraph indicates about the kinship system among Navajos.

When traditional Navajo people greet each other, they will recount their dinnehih or clan affiliation. They might say, "I was 'born to or of' my mother's clan and 'born for' my father's clan." In Navajo that would be, "Tl'izilani nishli, [I am of the Many Goats people] To'aheedliinii bashishchiin [born for the Water-Flows-Together clan] Ashiihi da shi chei [my maternal grandparents are the Salt People] Bit'ahnii da shi nali [and my paternal grandparents are the Folded Arms People]."
Okay I came up with Navajo
It was the Hopi, bilateral kinship system.When these regions were first discovered it appears that the inhabitants lived in comfortable houses and cultivated the soil, as they have continued to do up to the present time. Indeed, they are now considered the best horticulturists in the country, furnishing most of the fruits and a large portion of the vegetable supplies that are to be found in the markets. They were until very lately the only people in New Mexico who cultivated the grape. They also maintain at the present time considerable herds of cattle, horses, etc. They are, in short, a remarkably sober and industrious race, conspicuous for morality and honesty, and very little given to quarrelling or dissipation
What about the Hopi kinship relationship?
Hopi,Bilateral kinship. (Bilateral kinship: is a system of family lineage in which the relatives on the mother's side and father's side are equally important for emotional ties or for transfer of property or wealth. It is a family arrangement where descent and inheritance are passed equally through both parent
Hopi,Bilateral kinship. (Bilateral kinship: is a system of family lineage in which the relatives on the mother's side and father's side are equally important for emotional ties or for transfer of property or wealth. It is a family arrangement where descent and inheritance are passed equally through both parent
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Ahh. It's the same as most everyone else in the United States.