Don't they have the same constitutional rights as everyone else?
where do I find the constitutional rights that police officers have in Missouri
3 answers
this is the paper I need to do and I am not finding the information that I need:
Your job is to create a section of a new employee handbook for police officers that highlights their constitutional rights and other rights afforded to them under the law. This section should highlight key areas for incoming police officers so that they are aware of what they are going to face during their years on the force.
Your job is to create a section of a new employee handbook for police officers that highlights their constitutional rights and other rights afforded to them under the law. This section should highlight key areas for incoming police officers so that they are aware of what they are going to face during their years on the force.
They have the same rights as others, however, some may be limited due to employment (right to sue the chief), or restricted by the constitutional rights of those they arrest (they cannot listen to an arrestee unless he has been warned of their 4th admendment rights). They cannot use clout of authority to obtain favors or personal benefits.