The Renaissance began in Italy.
In Italy, growing towns developed into independent city-states. Each consisted of a power city and the surrounding territory, which might include other towns. The Italian city-states conducted their own politics, collected their own taxes, and made their own laws.
The family that became the wealthiest family in Florence was the Medici family.
What each of the following Italian city-states specialized in:
- Florence: Banking, textile production (especially wool), and art.
- Milan: Military equipment, silk production, and trade.
- Genoa: Maritime trade and naval power.
- Venice: Trade and commerce, particularly with the East, shipbuilding, and finance.
Where did the ideas of the Italian city-states spread during the Renaissance: The ideas of the Italian city-states spread throughout Europe, influencing art, literature, science, and philosophy, particularly in places like France, the Low Countries, England, and ultimately across Europe.