Where could I find suitable literary criticism on Tennessee William's 'Cat On A Hot Tin Roof' regarding disability and disadvantage?
is this a significant enough theme for there to be any useful resources on the internet?
Depends. William's Cat On a Hot Tin Roof dealt more with mental dysfunction than disability. Some these days call that "disability". Many of Willams were dysfunctional socially, and privately.
If you mean physical disability in the sense of Brick being "disabled". In my view, Williams used the crutch more for emotional reasons than to support his ankle. Williams let Big Daddy and Brick expose their crutches...and for Brick, it was alcohol, not the support crutch.
If I were going to view physical disabilty in Williams...the Glass Menegarie would be the one I chose. There, much has been written about Laura and attitudes toward her.
To answer you question, I don't think physical disability is a significant theme in Cat, lack of communication, and social dysfunction are the movers there.
Others may find some disability theme and comment on it.
This site will give you insight into what Williams considers a disability and how this disability puts Brick at a disadvantage. Look particularly at the section on Themes and on the character descriptions. Also, to understand this better, read a bio of Williams. I agree with Bob that the ankle is a symbol of the real disability.
If you have further questions on this, please repost.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. You have already received excellent help, but since you asked specifically for criticism, here are some links:
1. http://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=6136
2. http://goinside.com/00/5/cat.html
3. http://www.bookrags.com/studyguide-cathottinroof/