where can i find the study by Smith et al. (2018), the introduction of zebra mussels

1 answer

To find the study by Smith et al. (2018) regarding the introduction of zebra mussels, you can follow these steps:

  1. Google Scholar: Visit Google Scholar and search for "Smith et al. 2018 introduction of zebra mussels". This should provide you with a list of relevant publications.

  2. University Library: If you have access to a university library or its online resources, you can search for the article using the library’s database.

  3. ResearchGate: Check ResearchGate, where many researchers upload their publications. You can search for the authors or the topic there.

  4. JSTOR or ScienceDirect: If you have access to academic databases like JSTOR or ScienceDirect, you can search for the article directly.

  5. Contact the Authors: If you cannot access the study through these platforms, consider reaching out directly to the authors via email or social media for a copy.

  6. Public Libraries: Some public libraries offer access to academic databases. Check with your local library for assistance.

If you need more specific help finding a particular paper or need details about the study, let me know!