where can i find events and leaders of the civil rights and black power movements and where it also states their contributions to their respective causes. Or if someone can help me with this all i know is booker t.washington(FOR THE NORMAL SCHOOL FOR COLORED TEACHER OF THE TUSKEGEE uNIVERSITY IN THE 1881), web dubois(FOR the NAACP IN THE 1909) , huey p. newton( FOR THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY IN THE 1966), malcolm x( FOR THE NATION OF ISLAM IN THE 1960), martin luther king jr(IN THE YEAR 1954-1968), rosa parks(IN THE YEAR 1955). Am i correct so far. cAN YOU LET ME KNOW OF ANY MORE.



(Broken Link Removed)

Look For Hewey P.Newton, Mae Brussels, Mother Jones, Cesar Chaves.....