where are the errors the pseudocode debugging exercise

// This application reads student typing test data
// including number of errors on the test, and the number
// of words typed per minute. Grades are assigned based
// on the following table:
// Errors
// Speed 0 1 2 or more
// 0–30 C D F
// 31–50 C C F
// 51–80 B C D
// 81–100 A B C
// 101 and up A A B
num MAX_ERRORS = 2
num errors
num wordsPerMinute
num grades[5][3] = {"C", "D", "F"},
{"C", "C", "F"},
{"B", "C", "D"},
{"A", "B", "C"},
{"A", "A", "B"}
num LIMITS = 5
num speedLimits[LIMITS] = 0, 31, 51, 81, 101
num row
output "Enter number of errors on the test "
input errors
if errors = MAX_ERRORS then
errors > MAX_ERRORS
output "Enter the speed in words per minute "
input wordsPerMinute
while row < LIMITS AND wordsPerMinute >= speedLimits[row]
row = row + 1
row = row - 1
output "Your grade is ", grades[errors][row]