Where are the anion and cation written in an ionic compound?

A)The ion with the largest subscript in the formula is written first in the name of an ionic compound.

B)The ion, cation, or anion with the greatest charge is written first in the name and the formula of an ionic compound.

C)The anion is written before the cation in the name and formula of an ionic compound.

D)The cation is written before the anion in the name and formula of an ionic compound.

Is it A?

2 answers

yes it is
I don't agree with A. Following this procedure how would you name AlCl3? Trichloroaluminum something. I would name it aluminum chloride. Doesn't the cation always go first? What about K2SO4. Do you name that sulfatosomethngdipotassium. I see a lot of this potassium tetraoxosulfate(VI) but that is not an IUPAC accepted name.