Where and when were writings and numbers invented

1 answer

The invention of writing and numbers occurred at different times and in various locations throughout history.

- The earliest form of writing known to mankind is called cuneiform. It was developed around 3200 BCE in ancient Sumer (present-day Iraq).
- The Egyptians independently developed hieroglyphics around 3100 BCE.
- The invention of the Phoenician alphabet, which gave rise to many modern alphabets including Greek, Latin, and Cyrillic, dates to around 1200 BCE.

- The concept of numbers originated in prehistoric times when humans used tally marks to keep track of quantities. This early numerical notation appeared around 30,000 BCE.
- The first known numerical systems, with base 10, 20, and 60, appeared in ancient Sumer and Babylonia between 3500 and 2000 BCE.
- The Hindu-Arabic numeral system, the basis for today's decimal system, was developed in India and later passed on to the Islamic scholars who further refined it. It became widely accepted in Europe during the 13th century.

It's worth noting that these inventions were not isolated events but rather gradual developments that evolved over centuries and were influenced by multiple cultures.