When you say something like, "the shark had a long narrow slit in the eye," in what context is the word slit used. Does it mean evil?
What does the term 'craft technique' mean? Example:"What is one author's craft technique found in this text that makes the writing lively?'
"The shark had a long narrow slit in the eye."
the - article
shark - noun, subject
had - verb
a - article
long - adjective
narrow - adjective
slit - noun, direct object
in - preposition
the - article
eye - noun, object of preposition
It simply means a long narrow opening, a space for the light to enter the eye so the shark's brain can interpret what it sees.
No evil involved.
The word "craft" seems to be referring to the art that the author is creating. The "technique" refers to the ways in which he/she creates the artistic piece of writing.