When you jump you exert a pushing force against the ground gravity pulls you back down why can a person jump higher on the moon then on Earth

1 answer

A person can jump higher on the moon than on Earth primarily due to the difference in the moon's gravitational force compared to Earth's.

The strength of gravity is determined by the mass of the celestial body. The moon has a much lower mass compared to Earth, which means its gravitational pull is only about 1/6th as strong. This reduced gravitational force allows a person to exert less effort to overcome gravity and jump higher.

On Earth, when you jump, you push against the ground with a force that is proportional to your body weight. This force allows you to push yourself up against the gravity pulling you down. However, the strength of Earth's gravity makes it harder to overcome and jump to greater heights.

On the moon, with its lower gravity, the force required to jump higher is significantly reduced. Since gravity has less influence, you can exert a smaller pushing force against the ground and achieve greater heights during a jump.