. This comparison can help you understand how the authors approach a particular subject and what they think or feel about it.
For example, if two texts discuss the same topic but one author uses more emotive language or expresses strong opinions, you can infer that they have a more passionate or personal connection to the subject. On the other hand, if another author presents the information in a more neutral or objective tone, you can see that they may have a more detached or analytical perspective.
By comparing the blank in different texts, you can also identify common themes or messages that both authors are trying to convey. This can help you gain a deeper insight into the topic and understand it from multiple perspectives.
Overall, comparing the blank in texts can help you analyze the authors' attitudes towards a particular subject and how they express their feelings or opinions about it. This can enhance your understanding of the texts and provide a more nuanced view of the topic.
When you compare the blank in two texts you identify similarities and differences in the authors attitude or feeling about the topic of the texts
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