When Would You Use One?

In the space provided for each map, explain when this type of map would be helpful!

Climate maps: Climate maps give us general information about the climate and precipitation (rain and snow) of a region. These maps use shades or different colors to show the varying climate in different regions. These maps always have a key in order to explain what the colors or shades mean.

Physical maps: Physical maps show us the physical features of an area. These maps focus on geographic features like mountains, rivers, and lakes. Water is usually shown in blue, green typically shows low elevations, and orange or brown colors show higher elevations. These maps often have a key to show how shades represent the different levels of elevation.

Political Maps: Poli t ical maps do no t show physical fe at ure s. Ins te ad, poli t ical maps show s tate and nat ional boundarie s, capi tals, and major ci t ie s. Typically, a capi tal ci t y is marke d wi th a s tar wi thin a circle . The se maps will like ly no t have a key, since i t is simply showing you the locat ion of s tate s, count rie s, or ci t ie s.

Economic or recourse maps: Economic or re source maps show the t ype s of economic act i v i t y or nat ural re source s that e xis t in a gi ve n are a. The se maps use symbols to show the locat ions of re source s or economic act i v i t ie s. For e xample, chee se on Wisconsin te lls you that chee se is a major economic act i v i t y there . Be caref ul though; the se maps could use a key to show the locat ion of specific re source s too!

Road maps: Road maps display major highways, roads, airports, railroad t rack s, ci t ie s, and o ther points of intere s t in an are a. Depe nding on the road map, i t may show more minor fe at ure s as we ll. For e xample, a road map of a count y will show fe at ure s that will no t appe ar on a nat ional road map.

Topographic Maps: Topographic maps are similar to physical maps in that they show the ge ographic fe at ure s of an are a; howe ver they focus on a much smaller are a due to the amount of de tail that is include d. The se maps are made up of small line s to show the e arth’s e le vat ion. Line s that are close toge ther indicate s teep ter rain where as line s that are f ar apart indicate flat ter rain.

1 answer

1. Climate maps would be helpful when planning a trip or vacation to a certain region. By looking at the climate map, you can determine the average temperature, precipitation, and overall climate conditions of the area. This can help you pack appropriate clothing and plan activities accordingly.

2. Physical maps would be helpful when studying geography or planning a hiking trip. These maps provide a visual representation of the physical features of an area, such as mountains, rivers, and lakes. They can help you understand the landforms and plan your route accordingly.

3. Political maps would be helpful when studying political boundaries or when looking for the location of a specific city or country. These maps clearly show state and national boundaries, as well as the capital cities. They are useful for understanding the political organization of an area and for locating specific places.

4. Economic or resource maps would be helpful for understanding the economic activities or natural resources of a certain area. These maps can show the locations of industries, agriculture, mining, and other economic activities. They can also indicate the presence of specific resources, such as oil reserves or mineral deposits.

5. Road maps would be helpful for planning a road trip or navigating through a specific area. They show major highways, roads, and points of interest, such as airports and railway tracks. Road maps can help you find the best routes and easily locate places along your journey.

6. Topographic maps would be helpful for hiking, mountaineering, or any outdoor activity that requires understanding the terrain. These maps provide detailed information about elevation, contour lines, and steepness of the terrain. They can help you plan routes, avoid difficult areas, and ensure your safety in the outdoors.
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