When the US gained control of the Philippines (a result of the Spanish-American War), many

saw the possession of the islands as a gateway to large markets in mainland Asia.

American products could be sold there, and many capitalists envisioned a new and untapped

market for investors in large-scale railroad construction.

At the dawn of the 20th Century, American factories were producing more goods than the

country could consume, and the continued growth of the American economy depended on exports

to foreign markets.
China had been weakened by war and enormous amounts of foreign intervention.

Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Japan had all established settlements along China’s

These nations also managed sizeable spheres of influence where each country maintained

strict economic control.
The US government and American investors began to fear a future in which China would be carved

into European colonies that were closed to American products and companies.

With American interests in mind, the US Secretary of State John Hay issued a series of policy

statements that became known as the Open Door notes.

These were letters, addressed to the leaders of the European powers, suggesting that nations

share trading rights in China.
This would create what Hay referred to as an “open door”.

It would be in the best interest of all, he argued, if no one country held a monopoly

on trade in any part of China.

As foreign intervention in China continued to grow, so did the resentment of many Chinese.

Although China had managed to maintain its independence, large sections of major cities

were completely under foreign control.
Resentment of foreigners continued to swell amongst the Chinese, and secret societies

began to form, pledging to rid their country of what they referred to as “foreign devils.”

The most famous of these groups would give the coming Chinese rebellion its name.

This group became known as the Boxers because many of its members practiced martial arts.

The Boxer Rebellion began with an attempt to expel all foreigners from China.

The Boxers surrounded the European section of Peking and kept the area under siege for

several months.
Hundreds of missionaries and other foreigners were killed, along with any Chinese who had

converted to Christianity.
Seeing American interests threatened in the area, the US government prepared to respond.

In August of 1900, the US sent 2,500 soldiers to China to protect American citizens and

interests there.
The soldiers fought alongside troops from Britain, France, Germany, and Japan to put

down the rebellion.
Within two months, the Boxer Rebellion was squelched.
Thousands of Chinese died as a result of the fighting.

After the conflict ended, John Hay issued a second series of Open Door notes, stating

that the US would “safeguard” the principle of open trade in China for all nations.

This action established the US as a major player in post-Boxer Rebellion China, as well

as on the global stage.
When the US gained control of the Philippines (a result of the Spanish-American War), many

saw the possession of the islands as a gateway to large markets in mainland Asia.

American products could be sold there, and many capitalists envisioned a new and untapped

market for investors in large-scale railroad construction.

At the dawn of the 20th Century, American factories were producing more goods than the

country could consume, and the continued growth of the American economy depended on exports

to foreign markets.
China had been weakened by war and enormous amounts of foreign intervention.

Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Japan had all established settlements along China’s

These nations also managed sizeable spheres of influence where each country maintained

strict economic control.
The US government and American investors began to fear a future in which China would be carved

into European colonies that were closed to American products and companies.

With American interests in mind, the US Secretary of State John Hay issued a series of policy

statements that became known as the Open Door notes.

These were letters, addressed to the leaders of the European powers, suggesting that nations

share trading rights in China.
This would create what Hay referred to as an “open door”.

It would be in the best interest of all, he argued, if no one country held a monopoly

on trade in any part of China.

As foreign intervention in China continued to grow, so did the resentment of many Chinese.

Although China had managed to maintain its independence, large sections of major cities

were completely under foreign control.
Resentment of foreigners continued to swell amongst the Chinese, and secret societies

began to form, pledging to rid their country of what they referred to as “foreign devils.”

The most famous of these groups would give the coming Chinese rebellion its name.

This group became known as the Boxers because many of its members practiced martial arts.

The Boxer Rebellion began with an attempt to expel all foreigners from China.

The Boxers surrounded the European section of Peking and kept the area under siege for

several months.
Hundreds of missionaries and other foreigners were killed, along with any Chinese who had

converted to Christianity.
Seeing American interests threatened in the area, the US government prepared to respond.

In August of 1900, the US sent 2,500 soldiers to China to protect American citizens and

interests there.
The soldiers fought alongside troops from Britain, France, Germany, and Japan to put

down the rebellion.
Within two months, the Boxer Rebellion was squelched.
Thousands of Chinese died as a result of the fighting.

After the conflict ended, John Hay issued a second series of Open Door notes, stating

that the US would “safeguard” the principle of open trade in China for all nations.

This action established the US as a major player in post-Boxer Rebellion China, as well

as on the global stage. record 5 annotations which will help explain the historical context, causes, and effects of the Boxer Rebellion.

1 answer

1. The US gaining control of the Philippines: The US gaining control of the Philippines as a result of the Spanish-American War contributed to the US interest in establishing a presence in Asia. The possession of the Philippines was seen as a gateway to accessing larger markets in mainland Asia, providing opportunities for American products to be sold there. This economic motivation played a role in the US involvement in China and its response to the Boxer Rebellion.

2. Open Door Policy: The Open Door Policy, initiated by US Secretary of State John Hay, was a series of policy statements that aimed to ensure that all nations had equal trading rights in China. This policy was driven by American fears of China being carved up into European colonies that would exclude American products and companies. The Open Door Policy sought to maintain open trade in China, safeguarding American influence and economic interests.

3. Resentment towards foreign intervention in China: China had experienced significant foreign intervention and encroachment from Western powers, including Britain, France, Germany, and Russia, which had established settlements along China's coast. This foreign control and economic dominance in China led to resentment among many Chinese. The Boxer Rebellion emerged as a response to this foreign intervention, with secret societies like the Boxers forming with the aim of expelling foreigners from China and regaining control of their country.

4. Boxer Rebellion: The Boxer Rebellion was an armed uprising in China that began with the goal of expelling all foreigners from the country. The Boxers, named for their practice of martial arts, surrounded the European section of Peking (now Beijing) and kept it under siege for several months. This rebellion resulted in the killing of hundreds of missionaries, foreigners, and Chinese Christians. The US government, concerned about the threats to American interests in the area, sent soldiers to China to protect American citizens and interests. The US collaborated with other countries to quell the rebellion and thousands of Chinese died as a result of the fighting.

5. Effects of the Boxer Rebellion: The Boxer Rebellion had significant consequences on both China and international relations. It heightened anti-foreign sentiments among the Chinese and led to a crackdown on foreign influence in the country. After the rebellion was suppressed, John Hay issued a second series of Open Door notes, reaffirming the importance of open trade in China for all nations. This solidified the US as a major player in post-Boxer Rebellion China and global geopolitics. The Boxer Rebellion also highlighted the tension and competition among major powers for dominance in China, setting the stage for further conflicts and events in the region.