When siding a poem from a collection that featured several authors and has three editors, where should the name of the author of the poem appear?

1 answer

When citing a poem from a collection with multiple authors and editors, the name of the author of the poem should typically appear first, followed by the title of the poem in quotation marks. After that, you would include the editors' names, the title of the collection in italics, the page number where the poem is found, the publisher, the year of publication, and any other relevant citation details depending on the citation style you are using (such as MLA, APA, or Chicago).

For example, in MLA format, the citation would look something like this:

Author Last Name, First Name. "Title of Poem." Title of Collection, edited by Editor First Name Last Name, et al., Publisher, Year, pp. Page Numbers.

Make sure to adjust the format to fit the specific requirements of the citation style you are using.