When referencing a newspaper or magazine article (printed and online) in the bibliography/reference list, what information should be included? according to harvard referencing style
Author surname and initials, followed by the year, title of the article in sentence case (for online articles, the title should be in italics), name of the newspaper/magazine (in title case), date of publication, and page number (for printed articles) or URL and date of access (for online articles).
Author surname and initials, followed by the year, title of the article in sentence case (for online articles, the title should be in italics), name of the newspaper/magazine (in italics), date of publication, and page number (for printed articles) or URL and date of access (for online articles)
Author surname and initials, followed by the year, title of the article, name of the newspaper/magazine (in italics), date of publication, and page number (for printed articles) or URL and date of access (for online articles)
Author surname and initials, followed by the year, title of the article in italics (for online articles, the title should be in sentence case), name of the newspaper/magazine (in title case), date of publication, and page number (for printed articles) or URL and date of access (for online articles)
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