when performing rescuing breathing, be sure to always

1 answer

1. Check the scene for safety: Make sure there are no immediate dangers to you or the victim before approaching.

2. Establish unresponsiveness: Gently tap the victim's shoulder and ask if they're okay to make sure they're truly unresponsive.

3. Call for help: Call 911 or your local emergency number, or ask someone else to do so.

4. Open the airway: Tilt the victim's head back and lift their chin, which helps to open their airway.

5. Check for breathing: Look, listen, and feel for the victim's breathing for no more than 10 seconds. If they are not breathing, or their breathing is irregular or ineffective, prepare to give rescue breaths.

6. Pinch the nose: Firmly pinch the victim's nostrils shut using your thumb and index finger.

7. Seal your mouth over their mouth: Create an airtight seal by covering the victim's mouth completely with your own.

8. Give two slow, full breaths: Each breath should last about one second, allowing the chest to rise before you exhale. Watch for the chest to rise and fall in response to your breaths.

9. Check for signs of circulation: Look for signs that the victim's heart is beating, such as coughing or movement. If necessary, begin chest compressions as part of CPR.

10. Continue rescue breathing: If the victim still isn't breathing on their own, give one breath every five seconds, or 12 breaths per minute.

11. Reevaluate the victim's condition frequently: Continue rescue breathing until the victim begins breathing on their own, an AED becomes available, professional help arrives, or you are too exhausted to continue.

12. Be prepared to provide information to emergency responders: When help arrives, provide information about the victim's condition and any treatment you've given.

Note: Always wear personal protective equipment, such as gloves and a CPR mask, when performing rescue breathing to minimize the risk of disease transmission. Additionally, it's essential to take a certified CPR and first aid course to learn the correct techniques and procedures for rescue breathing and other emergency situations.