When Ms. Tenaya heard that the local theater was to perform a version of Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor—the very play her class was reading—she resolved that they simply must have a field trip to go see it. However, even after the plan was cleared with the school principal and parents, it seemed precarious; the theater informed Ms. Tenaya that the show was sold out. Yet Ms. Tenaya is nothing if not resourceful. She moved heaven and earth to get her students seats at the show, and somehow she prevailed.

What is the author emphasizing in the underlined hyperbole?

the popularity of the show

the limitations of the local theater

Ms. Tenaya’s enthusiasm for Shakespeare

Ms. Tenaya’s efforts on behalf of her students

13 answers

Ms. Tenaya’s efforts on behalf of her students
Choose the sentence that uses a colon correctly.
Clarence brought to the potluck dinner: one peach pie and one pecan pie.

The coffee shop serves only three types of baked goods, which are: bagels, muffins, and scones.

The new restaurant initially offered three desserts: cheesecake, chocolate mousse, and apple pie.

Alexandra is going to make several types of cookies for the party: including chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin.
The new restaurant initially offered three desserts: cheesecake, chocolate mousse, and apple pie.
I think I would rather cross the African continent again than undertake to write another book. It is far easier to travel than to write about it. I intended on going to Africa to continue my studies; but as I could not brook the idea of simply entering into other men’s labors made ready to my hands, I entailed on myself, in addition to teaching, manual labor in building and other handicraft work, which made me generally as much exhausted and unfit for study in the evenings as ever I had been when a cotton-spinner. The want of time for self-improvement was the only source of regret that I experienced during my African career. I was       in Africa.



Read the passage from President Eisenhower’s 1955 message to Congress regarding highways.

Our unity as a nation is sustained by free communication of thought and by easy transportation of people and goods. The ceaseless flow of information throughout the Republic is matched by individual and commercial movement over a vast system of inter-connected highways criss-crossing the Country and joining at our national borders with friendly neighbors to the north and south. Together, the uniting forces of our communication and transportation systems are dynamic elements in the very name we bear—United States. Without them, we would be a mere alliance of many separate parts.

What is the MAIN way Eisenhower tries to persuade his audience in the passage?

He appeals to fear by emphasizing economic risks.

He connects the issue at hand to larger national values.

He stresses the effects of domestic decisions on international relations.

He emphasizes the past contributions citizens have made to an important cause.
He connects the issue at hand to larger national values.
Before he was five years old he had begun to hoard pennies and "fourpences," and at six years old he was able to exchange his copper bits for a whole silver dollar, the possession of which made him feel richer than he ever felt afterward in all his life. Nor did he lay the dollar away in a napkin, but used it in business to gain more. He would get ten cents a day for riding a horse before the plow, and he would add it to his capital. On holidays other boys spent all their savings, but not so he. Such days were to him opportunities for gain, not for squandering. He was      .



The Toad saw at once how wrongly and foolishly he had acted. He admitted his errors and wrong-headedness and made a full apology to Rat for losing his boat and spoiling his clothes. And he wound up by saying, with that frank self-surrender which always disarmed his friends' criticism and won them back to his side, "Ratty! I see that I have been a headstrong and a willful Toad! Henceforth, believe me, I will be humble and submissive, and will take no action without your kind advice and full approval!" He was      .



All William's purposes were to be carried out, as far as possible, under cover of strict adherence to the law of the land of which he had become the lawful ruler. He had sworn at his crowning to keep the laws of the land, and to rule his kingdom as well as any king that had gone before him. And assuredly he meant to keep his oath. William was       about the law.


