When learning pronoun case (subjective pronoun,objective,possessive) do I need to just memorize the list? I am having trouble identifying them. Any help please.

I am in 5th grade.

I recommend memorize, using homemade flash cards. It wont take long to memeorize these.

Clue: Any pronoun you can put in front of "can" is subjective case. Example: I can, you can, it can, he can, she can, they can we can.

Any pronoun you can put after I hit is objective case. Example: I hit me, I hit her, I hit him, I hit it, I hit them, I hit us.

Any pronoun you can put before hamberger is possessive case. Example: my hamberger, your hamberger, its hamberger, his hamberger, her hamberger, our hamberger, their hamberger.

You can use that for a test when you are not sure.