The Mexican-American War (1846-1848) was a conflict between the United States and Mexico over the annexation of Texas and the disputed border between the two countries. The war was ultimately won by the United States, and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the conflict.
The question of whether or not the Mexican-American War was justified is a complex one. On the one hand, the United States had a legitimate claim to the disputed territory, and the war was fought in defense of that claim. On the other hand, the war was fought in a way that was seen as aggressive and unjust by many, and it resulted in the loss of Mexican territory and the displacement of many Mexican citizens.
In general, war is only justified when it is in defense of a legitimate claim or in response to an attack. War should never be used as a tool of aggression or to further a political agenda. In order to judge whether or not a war is just, we must consider the reasons for the war, the methods used to fight it, and the consequences of the war. We must also consider the morality of the war, and whether or not it is in line with international law and human rights.
In the case of the Mexican-American War, it is difficult to say whether or not it was justified. While the United States had a legitimate claim to the disputed territory, the war was fought in a way that was seen as aggressive and unjust by many. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether or not they believe the war was justified.
When is war justified? When is it not justified? Is it ever justified? What criteria can we use to judge whether or not a war is just? Share your thoughts on the topic of justice in war. (the mexican american war)
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