when i type in a whole question, it cuts most of it off. WHY?

1 answer

It sounds like you might be experiencing an issue with the interface or platform you are using to type your questions. Here are a few possibilities as to why this might be happening:

  1. Character Limit: Some platforms have a character limit for questions or comments. If your question exceeds that limit, it might get truncated.

  2. Text Box Size: The text input box may not be displaying the entire text you are typing. Try scrolling or resizing the box if possible.

  3. Technical Glitches: There could be a temporary glitch or bug in the software or app you are using.

  4. Browser/Device Issues: Sometimes, issues can arise from the browser or device being used. Try refreshing the page, clearing your browser cache, or using a different browser or device.

  5. Formatting Issues: Certain characters or formatting could be causing problems with text input.

If you continue facing this issue, consider reaching out to the support team of the platform you are using for further assistance.