When I landed on the soil [of Kansas] I looked on the ground and I says this is free ground. Then I looked on the heavens and I says them is free and beautiful heavens. Then I looked within my heart and I says to myself, I wonder why I was never free before?
This experience of John Solomon Lewis was one of many that were shared in black churches across the South.
Write a paragraph that explains why Kansas looked like the Promised Land to African Americans. Compose complete sentences that illustrate proper grammar and spelling.
(5 points) make it look like a 7th grader did it
1 answer
Kansas looked like the Promised Land to African Americans because it represented freedom and opportunity. In Kansas, African Americans were able to enjoy the rights and liberties that had been denied to them in the South. The open land symbolized new beginnings and the chance to create a better life for themselves and their families. It offered a sense of hope and possibility, where they could finally be treated as equals and live without fear of oppression or discrimination. Kansas seemed like a place where they could truly be free and experience the beauty of the world around them.