When drawing a kekule structure for
CH3CH2OH(alcohol) do I leave the OH at the end just like it is (OH) or would it be shown as O-H?
I know that to start of it would be
-C- with an H on the top and the bottom as well as the left side and then connected to the C would be another C with H above and below. Im just not sure how to show the OH part. Thank you.
5 answers
Ok thank you so for something like an amine with an NH2 would I show it the same way N with an H above and below??
It's hard to make spaces on this board. I try periods to make the spacing come out right Sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't.
It's hard to make spaces on this board. I try periods to make the spacing come out right Sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't.
Do you have to show the R?
I need to show the kekule structure for
CH3CONH2. I know how to start it off Im just not sure about the NH2. The N would be connected to a carbon on the left side correct?
I need to show the kekule structure for
CH3CONH2. I know how to start it off Im just not sure about the NH2. The N would be connected to a carbon on the left side correct?
N must have three bonds so I used R for the third bond. It stands for anything you wish; i.e., it could be a CH3 group, and ethyl group (CH3CH2-)or whatever you wish.