When do I ask for teacher reccomendations?

I'm a junior and idk how the college process works. Is there like a sheet I'm supposed to fill out? I'm scared.

2 answers

this is just what your school counselor is for -- to answer questions just like this.
The best thing you can do, in my opinion, is to talk to a school counselor. If you know what school(s) you would like to attend be sure and let the counselor know since different schools have some different rules although most will be the same for the basics. Do you need/want a scholarship? What about work study? Counselors can help you through that. Different schools require different tests. Inquire about which tests you need to take. Counselors can help you with that chore. Let me leave you with a tip. DO NOT be scared. It's ok to be concerned but not scared. You need to be concerned enough that you get all of your Is dotted and your Ts crossed but there is no reason to be scared. Colleges want you as much as you want them. Look at it that they will be better off admitting you (but don't tell them that of course). Entering college is the chance of a lifetime to fulfill dreams, have a lot of fun, get an education for a lifetime career and to set/achieve goals. Don't let it pass you by because of inertia on your part. The world is full of people whose job it is to help you get enrolled in the college of your choice. Good luck !