when Carter was invited to give a business presentation in another city, he bought a ticket right away and got a discounted fair but when Carter’s manager decided to join the trip just two days before the presentation, she found that an airfare had doubled which aspects of pricing regulation did Carter and his manager potentially encounter

1 answer

1. Dynamic Pricing: The increase in airfare experienced by Carter's manager might be due to dynamic pricing, where prices fluctuate based on demand and other factors.

2. Last-minute Booking: Carter's manager may have encountered higher fares due to booking last-minute, which can result in higher prices as airlines try to capitalize on the urgency of the traveler.

3. Capacity Constraints: The increase in airfare could be due to limited availability of seats on the flight, leading to higher prices for last-minute bookings.

4. Peak Travel Season: If the presentation coincided with a peak travel season, Carter and his manager may have faced higher prices due to increased demand for flights.

5. Supply and Demand: The changes in airfare could also be attributed to simple supply and demand dynamics, where higher demand for flights led to higher prices.