When are you most aware of your motion in a moving vehicle: when it is moving steadily in a straight line or when it is accelerating? If you were in a car that moved with absolutely constant velocity (no bumps at all), would you be aware of the motion?

It is easier to notice steady movement in a straight line than acceleration. In a steadily moving car you would not be aware of the motion if you did not look outside the car.
It is easier to notice acceleration than steady movement in a straight line. In a steadily moving car you would be aware of the motion because you can feel the speed.
It is easier to notice acceleration than steady movement in a straight line. In a steadily moving car you would not be aware of the motion if you did not look outside the car.
It is easier to notice steady movement in a straight line than acceleration. In a steadily moving car you would be aware of the motion because you can feel the speed.

1 answer

The correct answer is: It is easier to notice acceleration than steady movement in a straight line. In a steadily moving car you would not be aware of the motion if you did not look outside the car.