when are children first developmentally ready to begin learning science

2 answers

They begin learning science when they are infant.

I was with a six-month old child when he first saw and played with a ball. It was a small ball, about 3 inches in diameter. He spent about 15 minutes rolling it around the room, watching it, and chasing it. He experimented with it and learned a science lesson.
Whomever gave this question to does not understand the nature of science: observation, questioning, analysis, hypothesis, data gathering, conclusion.

I have seen this in a baby's peek a boo play over and over. Initially, they think the person has disappeared, but soon, realize, it is a game, and the person is there, just not seen.

I have no idea what your book author is thinking. I enjoy observing toddlers staring at a caterpillar as it walks. That is science. When a kid learns to break things...that is science.

I do think your text author does not know what the science process is.