When a teacher wants you to do a reserch paper on the literary reflections of something, what does that mean?
I am not certain what the teacher has in mind. When one looks into a mirror, one sees not the actual object, but rather an image. The image is unique to the observer, and often we fit that image in our personal garden, to recall it later.
Here are some great literary reflections:
Now doing a research paper is quite another task. I suppose one could research a literary work, the author's premise, the setting, how it fits with historical works, and what others have seen in it. The Sonnets from the Portuguese of Elizabeth Browning, for instance...occuring in a distance torrid romance...amongst depression and mental anguish...what others have seen and read into the work, and one could add their own reflection. This could occur in any work, I am thinking of Tolstoy's War and Peace, or Doctor Zhivago (Russian: Доктор Живаго)by Pasternik. That could conjure up many reflections.
Why don't you run some ideas through your teacher, to insure you are on track?
Have fun.
Well...the problem is...the paper's kinda due tomorrow...so I can't really talk to my teacher about it. But I do know that he wants me to pick my favorite book and start from there, but after that, I have no idea what to do.
TOMORROW! And you waited until know to do something about it??
Bobpursley is right. You'd be writing a combination of research and personal reflection on an author and/or one or more of his/her works.
Research help: (Broken Link Removed)
Writing about literature: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/composition/literature.htm
Best get started and quit wasting time asking more questions.
... until now ...
1 answer