Whats the error in these two sentences?
After seeing the technique demonstrated on television, Janie baked homemakde bread for the first time yesterday, and her brother thought it tasted good, an opinion everyone agreed with.
Three hundred years ago John Milton protested against laws which required a government official to approve of any manuscript before it was published.
Whats the error in these two sentences?
After seeing the technique demonstrated on television, Janie baked homemade bread for the first time yesterday, and her brother thought it tasted good, an opinion everyone agreed with.
I don't see any error except your spelling of "homemade" (which I think was just a typo). I do think the whole thing is too long for one sentence, however, and I suggest breaking it into two sentences, starting the second sentence with "her brother." " target="_blank">http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/sentences.htm
Three hundred years ago John Milton protested against laws which required a government official to approve of any manuscript before it was published.
needs a comma after the introductory phrase "Three hundred years ago" -- http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/commas.htm (see #3)