what's the difference between a learner's permit, provisional license, and driver's license/
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here is the site for the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles:
Select your state and then enter "learner's permit" in the search box. A learner may not drive without a licensed driver. A provisional is "temporary" and a driver's license mean you must legally obey the Rules of the Road
To make things simple and you don't get confused on the website, a learner's is when you are allowed to drive a vehicle but with an adult who has al least been driving for two years, a provisional is when you can drive on your own and have been recognised by the saaq as a legal driver, but are on a two year probation where you basically can't make any mistakes because it goes on your permanent record and is there for the rest of your life. You are only give 4 demerit points, and of course a full drivers license is when you are given the full liberties of being a driver. You havr the full 10 demerit points ( i think that's how many you have) and any infractions will be erased of your record after a period of two years or something like that
I hope this helps you :)