What would Washington’s economic growth and unemployment from the end of World War II through today look like on a line graph?
A. straight lines falling steadily from left to right
B. straight lines rising sharply from left to right
C. wavy lines rising and falling from left to right
D. wavy lines rising and falling from left to right
Which best describes the fuel crisis of the 1970s?
A. abandoned oil rigs in Washington’s oil fields
B. long lines of vehicles waiting for gas at Washington’s pumps
C. protestors demanding Washington bring home troops from the Middle East
D. signs at Washington’s gas stations showing record low prices in fuel
What event preceded the events described above?
A. collapse of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
B. construction of the Alaska Oil Pipeline
C. discovery of oil reserves in eastern Washington
D. U.S. support for Israel in the Yom Kippur War
Question 4 of 19
How did the Grand Coulee Dam change economic activity in Washington?
A. It encouraged the growth of new, more water-intensive farming.
B. It promoted a shift away from manufacturing toward extractive industries.
C. It reduced the amount of arable land available to commercial farmers.
D. It removed the incentive for investment in new high-tech businesses.
African Americans in post-war Washington would mostly have agreed with which statement?
A. “We fought and worked in the war, and we deserve equal rights and respect.”
B. “We refused service and rebelled against the nation’s war effort because it made us less free.”
C. “We’re glad we won the war, but we didn’t have much to do with it and it didn’t really affect us.”
D. “We’re so grateful for the opportunities that we had during the war, which secured our equality.”
Question 6 of 19
How would women in post-war Washington have responded to the correct statement above?
A. A majority would have opposed the idea.
B. Few would have agreed with the statement.
C. Many would have felt a similar way.
D. Most would have opposed such claims.
Which tactic proved most effective in obtaining civil rights in Washington?
A. nonviolent protests such as marches
B. renaming counties after prominent leaders
C. opening casinos to generate revenue
D. activists occupying Alcatraz Island
Which events are most associated with African American civil rights? Select 3.
A. Century 21 Exposition
B. Expo ‘74
C. Kent State University shooting
D. lunch counter sit-ins
E. March on Washington
F. Montgomery bus boycott
G. occupation of Alcatraz
H. War on Poverty
Which of the following is a way that Native Americans in Washington have become more economically self-sufficient?
A. canoe journeys from Vancouver Island
B. relocation of reservations near urban centers
C. fishing and gaming operations, such as casinos
D. stock markets established on reservations
Question 10 of 19
Which of the following best describes changes in the population of Washington over the last 200 years?
A. Cultural diversity has increased due to migration and immigration.
B. The Native American population has not changed locations.
C. Immigration from Pacific Rim countries has decreased due to a lack of work.
D. African Americans arrived in the state as slaves but left for free states.
In 2010, Hispanics made up 7 percent of the state population. In 2014, that number had risen to 12 percent. What conclusion does the data support?
A. Ethnic diversity in rural areas is the same as in cities.
B. Immigration from Latin America is expected to decline.
C. Mexican immigrants make up the largest immigrant group in the state.
D. Immigration to the state continues to affect the state’s population.
Question 12 of 19
How are Native Americans from Washington such as Sherman Alexie expressing cultural pride today?
A. through advocating for the end of reservations and the relocation of Native Americans to cities
B. through the adoption of English in place of traditional languages
C. through books and films reflecting Native American culture today intended for mainstream audiences
D. through ghost dances and reliance upon medicine men and shamans
Which of the following events had the most impact on empowering Native American communities in Washington?
A. Kent State University shooting
B. lunch counter sit-ins
C. March on Washington
D. occupation of Alcatraz
Which two industries experienced the greatest growth during World War II? 2.
A. fisheries
B. high-tech
C. manufacturing
D. railroads
E. shipyards
F. tourism
Which issue affected the timber industry in Washington during the 1900s?
A. sustainability and boom and bust cycles
B. decreased regulation and demand
C. increased demand and supply
D. no real improvement in technology
What Washington industries have experienced the most growth in recent decades because of technological innovation? Select 4.
A. coal mining
B. computer software
C. fish hatcheries
D. food canning
E. genetic engineering
F. grape farming
G. lumber milling
H. online retail
I. shipbuilding
J. video games
41 answers
A. straight lines falling steadily from left to right
B. straight lines rising sharply from left to right
C. wavy lines rising and falling from left to right
D. wavy lines rising and falling from left to right
A. abandoned oil rigs in Washington’s oil fields
B. long lines of vehicles waiting for gas at Washington’s pumps
C. protestors demanding Washington bring home troops from the Middle East
D. signs at Washington’s gas stations showing record low prices in fuel
A. collapse of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
B. construction of the Alaska Oil Pipeline
C. discovery of oil reserves in eastern Washington
D. U.S. support for Israel in the Yom Kippur War
A. It encouraged the growth of new, more water-intensive farming.
B. It promoted a shift away from manufacturing toward extractive industries.
C. It reduced the amount of arable land available to commercial farmers.
D. It removed the incentive for investment in new high-tech businesses.
A. “We fought and worked in the war, and we deserve equal rights and respect.”
B. “We refused service and rebelled against the nation’s war effort because it made us less free.”
C. “We’re glad we won the war, but we didn’t have much to do with it and it didn’t really affect us.”
D. “We’re so grateful for the opportunities that we had during the war, which secured our equality.”
A. A majority would have opposed the idea.
B. Few would have agreed with the statement.
C. Many would have felt a similar way.
D. Most would have opposed such claims.
A. nonviolent protests such as marches
B. renaming counties after prominent leaders
C. opening casinos to generate revenue
D. activists occupying Alcatraz Island
A. Century 21 Exposition
B. Expo ‘74
C. Kent State University shooting
D. lunch counter sit-ins
E. March on Washington
F. Montgomery bus boycott
G. occupation of Alcatraz
H. War on Poverty
A. canoe journeys from Vancouver Island
B. relocation of reservations near urban centers
C. fishing and gaming operations, such as casinos
D. stock markets established on reservations
A. Cultural diversity has increased due to migration and immigration.
B. The Native American population has not changed locations.
C. Immigration from Pacific Rim countries has decreased due to a lack of work.
D. African Americans arrived in the state as slaves but left for free states.
A. Ethnic diversity in rural areas is the same as in cities.
B. Immigration from Latin America is expected to decline.
C. Mexican immigrants make up the largest immigrant group in the state.
D. Immigration to the state continues to affect the state’s population
A. through advocating for the end of reservations and the relocation of Native Americans to cities
B. through the adoption of English in place of traditional languages
C. through books and films reflecting Native American culture today intended for mainstream audiences
D. through ghost dances and reliance upon medicine men and shamans
Which of the following events had the most impact on empowering Native American communities in Washington?
A. Kent State University shooting
B. lunch counter sit-ins
C. March on Washington
D. occupation of Alcatraz
A. fisheries
B. high-tech
C. manufacturing
D. railroads
E. shipyards
F. tourism
A. sustainability and boom and bust cycles
B. decreased regulation and demand
C. increased demand and supply
D. no real improvement in technology
A. coal mining
B. computer software
C. fish hatcheries
D. food canning
E. genetic engineering
F. grape farming
G. lumber milling
H. online retail
I. shipbuilding
J. video games
What role did government play in the boom-and-bust cycles? Cite specific examples.