What would the following time expressions change to in reported speech? Write a sentence in direct speech followed by one in reported speech to illustrate each change. The first one has been done for you as an example.

a) today – that day
Direct speech – He said “I feel great today!�
Reported speech – He said that he felt great that day.
b) tomorrow –
Direct speech – “I will be feeling great tomorrow.�
Reported speech – “I will be feeling great tomorrow.�
c) yesterday –
Direct speech – He said “hell felt great yesterday.�
Reported speech – “He felt great yesterday� he said.
d) next week –
Direct speech – “I will be feeling great next week.�
Reported speech – “I will be feeling great next week.�
e) last week –
Direct speech – He said “hell felt great last week.�
Reported speech – “He felt great last week� he said.
f) this week –
Direct speech – “I am feeling great this week.�
Reported speech – He said “hs feeling great this week.�

2 answers

What are all those weird symbols? This is extremely difficult to read.
It looks like something weird is happening when you try to type quote marks.

The "tomorrow" and "next week" examples need "He said...." for the reported speech examples.

For the last one, it should be, "He said, 'I am feeling great this week.'" (Use single quote marks for quotes within quotes.)

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.